Culinary Water Use Policy 1999
First water meter reading for 1999 will be 4/24. Please check for any leaks that may have started during the winter. If you need any help checking for leaks please contact Ken Jackson. There will be no waivers for overages this year due to actual or suspected leaks, so please check now.Up to 60,000 gals. $16.50 per meter per month
60,000 to 80,000 gals. $.50 per thousand
80,000 to 100,000 gals $5.00 per thousand
Over 100,000 gals $7.50 per thousand
No transfer from meter to meter
Holden Town board reserves the right to change this policy at any time, subject to supply and demand.
A reminder: Please tum off all water whenever fire siren sounds. Please conserve
Thank-you, HOLDEN TOWN