Holden Town Corporation

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Holden Town Board Meeting

April 12, 2000
Started: 8:02 P.M.

Present: Mayor Brent Bennett, Don Dastrup, Kent Davis, Bonnie Mundy, Matt Zeigler
Visitors: Gale Larson, Debbie Arnold, Bryce Arnold, Wade Lemon, Shirl Gager, Alison Johnson, Dan Stevens, John Monson, Kelly Bennett, Trevor teeples, Natalie Teeples, Kirk Mundy, Ken Jackson, Art & Darlene Talbot, Kelly & Richard Tuttle, Lynn Wall, Tyler Teeples, Kalan Lemon
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read
Motion to accept minutes as read was made by Don Dastrup, seconded by Bonnie Mundy
The bills were read: Motion to pay the bills was made by Matt Zeigler seconded by Don Dastrup. Voting was unanimous.
1) Gale Larson was here representing LarWest Engineering. He had met with Ken Jackson and Don Dastrup earlier to go over our water system. Discussed improved water flow and more storage. Financial options discussed.
2) Lynn Wall was here to also discuss the water system. He suggested we have Bryce Montgomery come and look at the springs to see if possible to improve water flow.
3) Bonnie Mundy said she had talked to Thyne Henrie about some fill for sides of asphalt. He said long list. Kent Davis will talk to Robert Stephenson to see if he can help.
4) A large number of people were here interested in ATV's in Town. Discussion of ATV's was had while waiting for Sheriff's Department, later we found Sheriff would not be here until next month. Kent Davis will get legal people to write up proposal to make it legal to ride ATV's in Holden, safely.
5) Shirl Gager said he had the bid from Butch Jensen for maintenance building, $75,150.00.
6) Discussed summer employee to help Ken. Motion to have Tyler Jolley again was made by Bonnie Mundy seconded by Matt Zeigler.
7) Discussed Mowing of park area. Need larger mower.
8) Council discussed maintenance building again, and budgeting for it.
9) Alison Johnson said pre-budget meeting next month. Alison presented financial report. Retirement for the three full time employee's was discussed. Because in April 1995 Town Council meeting with C.R. Charlesworth, Council: Tom Stephenson, Pat Wood, Carol Gager, and Ken Tuttle. Retirement was approved for Neil Stevens under the law a precedent was set so the present three employee's who work 20 hours or more a week will receive retirement. Also in Nov. 1992 full family medical insurance was given to Neil Stevens. Motion was made to pay retirement benefits to the three full time employee's retroactive to when Ken Jackson started was made by Bonnie Mundy seconded by Matt Zeigler. Voting was unanimous.
10) Little League was discussed. All girl teams are combining with Fillmore teams. Motion to give $1,000 to the boys little league teams: Majors, Minor, and T-Ball, was made by Kent Davis, seconded by Matt Zeigler. Voting was unanimous. Any remaining money is to be returned to Holden Town.
11) Motion to dismiss the meeting was made by Kent Davis seconded by Matt Zeigler.
Meeting adjourned at 10:02 p.m.



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Last modified: January 18, 2001