Holden Town Corporation

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Holden Town Board Meeting

May 10, 2000
Started: 8:04 P.M.

Present: Mayor Brent Bennett, Don Dastrup, Kent Davis, Bonnie Mundy
Visitors: Dave Johnson, Sheriff Ed Phillips, Dave Lund, Alison Johnson, Merrill Johnson.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read
Motion to accept minutes as read was made by Bonnie Mundy, seconded by Don Dastrup. Voting was unanimous.
The bills were read: Motion to pay the bills was made by Don Dastrup, seconded by Bonnie Mundy. Voting was unanimous.
1) Sheriff Ed Phillips was hereto explain laws concerning ATV's. It is illegal to ride them in town. The county is in the process to designating ATV trails to get to ATV recreational areas. Once they do this then Holden Town can pass an ordinance designating certain streets in town access to ATV's being driven on to get to these ATV trails or recreation areas. ATV's can be used for agricultural purposes by farmers going from their homes to their farm.  They need agriculture sticker on ATV. Sheriff suggested contact Fillmore City about their ordinance. Sheriff encouraged council to enact a good, safe ordinance.
2) Dave Lund and Dave Johnson were here representing the Planning and Zoning Committee. Dave Lund discussed building inspections, he also discussed the need to have designated boundaries..
3) Mayor said we need a board of adjustments, to go along with planning and zoning. Mayor asked council to think of people they would like to have on board, bring list next month..
4) Planning and Zoning Meetings are held the last Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. They need a notice posted 24 hours in advance of this meeting. Planning and zoning committee is also in need of a secretary to take minutes at this meeting. Meeting lasts approximately 2 hours. Will post notice to see if anyone is interested in doing this..
5) Merrill Johnson was here concerned with two new green houses that he will go over water each month. Council suggested with the size of lot he has he could get a second meter.
6) Kent Davis said UAMPS is forming a committee on fuel acquisition projects. Kent would like to be on committee. Council approved, Mayor signed form..
7) New mower to mow ball parks was discussed. Bid from Larsen Service for a Dixon $7905.00, will table until next month..
8) Mayor read letter from Millard County Veterans/Military Committee requesting donations to put in flag poles and benches. Motion to pay $500.00 for a flag pole was made by Kent Davis, seconded by Bonnie Mundy. Voting was unanimous..
9) Discussed switching Internet service to Crystal Peaks with David Wood. Motion to do this was made by Kent Davis, seconded by Don Dastrup. Voting was unanimous.
10) Alison Johnson was here with financial Report and Pre-Budget. Budget was discussed.
11) Alison said Matt Zeigler had contacted her to report he has several ideas for Eagle Projects coming up.
12) Proposal to take $10,000.00 from General Ledger PTIF account to Water PTIF account was made by Don Dastrup, seconded by Kent Davis. Voting was unanimous.
13)Mayor Bennett presented cemetery map, larger one will be posted on bulletin board at cemetery on Memorial day.
14) Motion to dismiss the meeting was made by Kent Davis seconded by Bonnie Mundy.
Meeting adjourned at 11:01 p.m.



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Last modified: January 18, 2001