Holden Town Board Meeting
October 13, 1999
Started- 8:02 p.m.
Present- Mayor brent bennett, Don Dastrup, Kent Davis, and Matt Zeigler
Visitors- Stephanie Monsen, Steve Miller, Meredith Miller, Alison Johnson, Ken Jackson, Bonnie Mundy, John Larsen, Wade Lemon, Darren and Melanie Fox, Devan Stevens, Shirl Gager, John Iverson, Jeff Anderson
The minutes of the previous meeting were read- Motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Matt Zeigler seconded byDon Dastrup. Voting was unanimous.
The bills were read- Motion to pay the bills was made by Matt Zeigler seconded by Don Dastrup. Voting was unanimous.
Stephanie Monsen was here to request support for school sponsored trip to New York for Sterling Scholar in Dance cost $1424.00-Motion to donate 25% of cost to Stephanie equaling $356.00 was made by Don Dastrup seconded by Matt Zeigler.
John Larsen was here about Dog problem in Town- vicious dogs attacked his =dog that was on a chain-concerned for safety of children and elderly. Kent read Dog Ordinance.
Wade Lemon described nature of Pit bull dogs.
Steve Miller explained his desires of keeping his four rotwelders.
Devan Stevens would like to do an Eagle Project- extend fence backstop at ball diamonds. Motion to pay costs of this project was made by Kent Davis seconded by Don Dastrup. Voting was unanimous.
Shirl Gager was here to tell council he is still working on getting bids for Maintenance Building.
John Iverson and Jeff Anderson were here from Sunrise Engineering to explain water system analysis they have completed. The different suggestions were discussed. Sunrise can help find some funding.
Street lights being out was discussed- Ken Jackson to get a list for Flowell Electric to do when they come to Town.
Matt Zeigler has ideas for Eagle Scout Projects around the old swimming pool area- Matt will put together a master plan.
Alison Johnson presented financial report.
Kent Davis would like to go to Surplus Property look for large generator to help with extended power outages.
Alison Johnson said we need a project to use money State has given Town for education Drug and Alcohol Abuse- Council bags imprinted about Drug and Alcohol Abuse to be available at Post Office to residents.
Discussed Dog Ordinance again- Council concerned about Pit Bull, Rotwelders, Dobermans, etc. and other vicious dogs.
Kent will draft an ordinance then contact lawyer through Utah League of Cities and Towns then contact the rest of council.
Mayor Bennett updated Council on Lease Agreement with LDS Church- Pavilion and ball diamonds. Mayor said agreement sounds better- Motion to accept lease agreement was made by Kent Davis seconded by Matt Zeigler.
Mayor said there is no money available to help build Town Hall- eventually possibly help with storage tank.
Election Judges discussed for Nov. 2, 1999 election suggested- Estell Bennett, Karla Dastrup, Carol Johnson, Venez Johnson
Selling of old backhoe was discussed- Notice of bid for backhoe to be run in Progress and Gazzette for next three weeks, bids dus Nov. 10- opened at Town Board Meeting. Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
Next months Town Board Meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to dismiss the meeting was made by Kent Davis seconded by Matt Zeigler. Voting was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m.