Holden Town Corporation

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Holden Town Board Meeting

September 13, 2000
Started: 8:05 P.M.

Present: Mayor Brent Bennett, Don Dastrup, Matt Zeigler, Bonnie Mundy,  Kent Davis
Visitors: Garth White & Jana Lindquist.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting was made by Don Dastrup, seconded by Matt Zeigler. Voting was unanimous.
The bills were read: Motion to pay the bills was made by Matt Zeigler, seconded by Bonnie Mundy. Voting was unanimous.
1) Matt Zeigler explained about the Dump, we can keep a Class 4 Dump - keep things covered up.  Need to reply to letter Mayor received-want to keep Dump open applying for a Class 4 permit.  Will have completed in 180 days  Things need to be separated, have open one day per week -need someone there full time that one day to designate to residents where to dump their non-household garbage.
2) Matt also discussed Restroom/Concession building.  Asked Council about getting a bid for someone to frame up and get closed in before winter.  Council said go ahead.
3) Garth white from the Sheriff's Dept. and Jana Lindquest were here to explain the CERT program.  CERT - Community Emergency Response Team.  The Sheriff's Dept. wants to bring the program into Town to train the citizens to assist whatever personnel there maybe during an emergency.  Asking the support of the Town Council. Council fully supports program.  First Town meeting set up for Wednesday, September 20, at 7:00 p.p at the Town Hall.  Council will get out flyers.
4) Don Dastrup discussed second and out of town water meters concerned about water supply.   Council decided to table for now until they see about water supply.  Town will hold applications anyone who has paid before application was approved will have their money returned.
5) Bonnie Mundy asked about getting sides of roads cleaned up after the flood.  mayor said he and Ken Jackson will be working on it.  Bonnie said that she is concerned about all the things from Merrill and Robert Johnson greenhouse being on Town property.   Council her to contact them about this and have removed.
6) Kent Davis discussed resource 2000 - Holden agreeing to go in with UAMPS in purchasing a power plant.  need to have a town meeting that is advertised in a newspaper (Gazette) then have a meeting and explain to residents.  Motion to accept Resource 2000 Power Sales Contract following advertising in the paper was made by Matt Zeigler, seconded by Bonnie Mundy, voting was unanimous.
7) Kent also discussed Holden and Kanosh have been working to form their own Electrical Company with other towns to maintain their own systems.  Motion to pursue forming our own Electrical Company with Kanosh and other town to maintain system was made by Kent Davis seconded by Don Dastrup, voting was unanimous.
8)Mayor Bennett talked to Lynn Wall the day after the flood to see what we might do to divert the water to prevent another flood.  Mayor asked Council if they wanted him to pursue a way to have water diverted by Earl Johnson's feed yard.  Council said to go ahead.
9)Motion to dismiss the meeting was made by Kent Davis seconded by Matt Zeigler. Voting was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m.


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Last modified: January 18, 2001